WWII Weekend
A phalanx of Full Disc Aviation photographers descended on Reading, PA for the 2019 WWII Weekend, and the weather was perfect all weekend. We shot the show from a variety of perspectives, using much of the surrounding terrain to shoot from. The show included the usual suspects like the CAF Dixie Wing airplanes, a myriad of WWII training aircraft, the B-24 Diamond Lil, B-29 Fifi, B-17 Yankee Lady, B-25 Panchito and Yankee Warrior, C-47 Hairless Joe, George Lynch, Mark Murphy, Thom Richard and Greg Shelton (in the Avenger, P-51, P-40 and Wildcat respectively), but the show also had a few fun additions, like Jerry Wells in the Bucker Jungmeister, Greg Koontz and an authentic Japanese A6M Zero...that only flew on Friday. The Catalina from MAM and Tom Duffy's Widgeon also made an appearance. We're happy to include the photography of Christian Gross, Ryan Tykosh, Ryan Kelly, James Woodard, Richard Souza, and Nick Pascarella with special guest contributor Joe DiAntonio.