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Dover AFB Airshow
In an ever-changing world, one thing seems to remain constant: flying is cool. And if the old saying 'the only constant is change' holds true, the flying seems to have gotten even better. That might explain why we all missed the second T-birds sneak pass. Keep looking up, y'all.
HUMET65 Cleared For Contact
The boom window opened up, light began to come flooding in. I looked out over 27,000ft of California/Oregon wilderness, revealing endless miles of snowy, mountainous scenery.”
Rocket Child (Slight Return)
Fully suited and with headlamps ablaze, we nervously ducked under the fallen tree and started walking up the snow-covered access road. Our walking sticks punched through the snow and into the mud while the wind howled through the trees above us. Our hiker train rubbernecked once we finally reached the trailhead parking lot; another journey milestone achieved.