american air power museum
Full Disc Aviation was fortunate to attend Saturday flight ops for the 2019 Jones Beach Airshow at the American Airpower Museum in Farmingdale, Long Island, operating from Republic Airport. The Thunderbirds were staged at a different location, but the VFA-106 Navy F/A-18 Tac Demo team used Republic Airport, as did the US Army Golden Knights. Photography was difficult due to the ever-shifting crowd line and the myriad of warbirds parked between the ropes and the runway, but being up close to a Mk1 Spitfire (of Dunkirk fame) and an authentic Japanese Zero (albeit with a P&W powerplant) was quite special. Other warbirds of note included two Mustangs, the museum's Avenger, a Corsair, Hap Arnold's B-25 (covered in Hulu "Catch-22" vinyl), a B-17 from the Yankee Air Museum and the American Airpower Museum's D-Day veteran C-47.